Thursday, November 11, 2010

IJAN .....Grommet Insertion and Re-insertion

Meor Faris Hifzhan.....anak mama yang bongsu.... Ijan ni dari kecil lagi ada problem dengan telinga dia. Selalu jugak keluar discharge from Lt Ear sejak dari umur dia setahun lebih lagi...tapi on and off. Bila dah terlalu kerap sangat doctor terpaksa meletakkan tube kecil di gegendang telinga Ijan. So last year bulan Februari 2009 Ijan went for Lt and Rt Maringotomy and Grommet tube insertion, Tonsilectomy and adenoidectomy...Alhamdulillah semua okay. Tapi telinga Ijan masih on and off ada discharge keluar dan sometimes bernanah lagi.. So pada 11 November 2010 sekali lagi Ijan terpaksa menjalani Insertion of Grommet tube Rt ear dan Removal and Re Insertion of Grommet tube Lt ear..... procedure nya tak la lama sangat... just minor surgery....
Seawal 6 pagi kami kena pi registration counter......Lepas solat subuh terus bergerak dari rumah jam 540am....Malam tu pun macam tak boleh lena nak tidur....risau kut!! :(

Ijan dah tukar uniform OT....cute jer....

Ijan steady jer sebelum masuk ot....Good boy sayang.!!

Yang ini nama anak dah tukar jadi MeoFiers Hafzhan...suka2 jer nak tukar nama anak kita...apa daaaa..................

Ijan baru keluar Ot. Procedure dalam 30 minit jer........tak nangis...Kesian sangat tengok anak mama sorang nih...InsyaAllah lepas ni telinga anak mama kembali normal okay!!!!! Mama dan ayah love you sayang!!

Dah boleh bangun dan makan......mama dan ayah pun lapar...hehehe kita kongsi makanan hospital yer...hehehhe!!!!

Ini la bentuk tube yang dimasukkan dalam telinga Ijan.......

Grommet insertion

What is glue ear?

Glue ear is a common condition where fluid collects in the middle ear behind the eardrum (see figure 1). It can cause deafness and repeated earache or infections, resulting in discharge from the ear.


What are the benefits of surgery?

A grommet (small plastic or metal tube) allows air to enter the middle ear, preventing fluid build-up.

Are there any alternatives to surgery?

The condition will almost always get better by itself.

Surgery is recommended if the glue ear continues for longer than three months and is causing problems with poor hearing or repeated ear infections.

What does the operation involve?

Grommet insertion is usually performed under a general anaesthetic but a local anaesthetic can be used. The operation usually takes about twenty minutes.

Your surgeon will make a small hole in the eardrum and remove the fluid by suction. They will then place a plastic or metal grommet in the hole.

What complications can happen?

1. General complications of any operation

  • Pain
  • Bleeding

2. Specific complications of this operation

  • Fluid leaking from the ear
  • Ear discharge
  • Small hole left in the ear drum after the grommet falls out
  • Repeated build-up of fluid in the middle ear

How soon will I recover?

You should be able to go home the same day.

Regular exercise should help you to return to normal activities as soon as possible. Before you start exercising, you should ask a member of the healthcare team or your GP for advice. Other than swimming, you should be able to return to normal activities after 24 hours.

The grommet will fall out of your ear by itself, after nine to twelve months for the plastic type and after about two years for the metal type.


  1. eee , ijan knpe ma ? terok keaa ? ijan boleh dgr tk tuhh ?

  2. Alhamdulillah ika...ijan okay. dia hari tu lost of hearing dalam 40% kut....doakan ijan sihat okay!!



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